Proper Bonding Locations for Grounding Antenna Mast/Signal Conductor
The information on this page may or may not meet your local electrical codes. This information is to provide you with a general knowledge of how to ground your equipment and conductors. Please consult the electrical codes in your jurisdiction.
There are 5 general locations where you can bond to ground an antenna mast, coax cable, or other conductor required to be bonded to ground before entering a structure.
1. Electrical service electrode (ground rod), or the conductor that connects the ground rod to the electrical service panel.

The ground rod must be the main electrical ground rod(s), or if a separate ground rod is installed, bonded to the primary ground with 6 gauge ground wire.
In this image, there is a mistake. The conductor used for the grounding function must be green, green with a yellow stripe, or bare conductor.
2. The metal electrical service panel enclosure utilizes a PAM-style clamp. Cannot be installed on the door or cover.
3. A metal service electrical raceway. This is the raceway entering the service panel containing the service conductors.
The conduit must be before the electrical service panel or the first means of disconnect. In any building but most commonly a commercial building, it is common to see metal conduit interconnecting panels and sub-panels. Strapping to a metal conduit after the first means of disconnect or primary panel you risk those conduits being removed for service upgrades, or remodels. Only by bonding to the main service conduit do you reduce the chance of losing your ground in the future
4. Waterpipe. BUT ONLY within five feet of the water pipes entrance into the structure and only if the water pipe is metal and in direct earth contact for at least 10 feet before entering the property.
Attaching a ground wire to a water valve is NOT ACCEPTABLE and can lead to dangerous conditions for residents or staff of the building
5. The grounded metal structure of a building. If the building's metal structure is grounded by one of the above means, a ground wire can be bonded to the metal structure. This is usually used with mobile homes and commercial buildings.
An Intersystem Bonding Termination point is often found in telco rooms or other rooms containing systems required to be bonded to earth ground. If you are unable to bond to a point outside the building it is usually allowed to ground as close to Point-Of-Entry as possible by bonding to these copper plates or bars provided.

NEC Code Reference
Article 810.15 covers the mast grounding requirement.
Article 810.20 covers the grounding of radio distribution systems